Dua For Safety And Protection

Dua For Safety And Protection

Dua For Safety And Protection

Dua For Safety And Protection, Enemies are as part of lives as are our friends. And enemies have one goal, to destroy you in every way possible. Some may even go to the extent of wishing for your death.

That is the nature of enemies and that’s what they will do. But you can protect yourself from all the ill-intentions and evil plans of your foes by using this dua.

Dua For Safety And Protection
Dua For Safety And Protection

An enemy may attack in whichever way possible. Enemies follow no rules. Whether they want to destroy your business, spoil your personal relationships or kill a family member, they will stop at nothing. So, the moment you suspect an enemy at work, start using the dua for safety and protection.

There are clear signs when you or family is under attack by evil eyes that wish ill things on you. When you start seeing everything going sideways and family members losing their peace of mind, it’s quite possible an enemy has worked black magic on you and family. Keep a guard of your family by using the help of this dua.

It is important that once you have been attacked by an enemy, you need to be extremely cautious of every action of your as it may lead to grave consequences. Staying protected is the only way you can deal with this problem. And to do that, you and every other member of the family must regularly use the dua for safety and protection.

dua for safety and protection of family

These verses have the power to go beyond the physical realm and influence of destinies. Naturally, where there is good, there’s evil too and some men for their own personal needs, use the holy verses for casting an evil spell on others. But while they can use these verses, you also can use the dua for safety and protection.

It is important that you must be a devout follower of Allah and his teachings. You must be doing the 5 times daily namaaz and refrain from any doing anything Allah has warned us against. If you have pure intent and have been a religious follower of Allah, you will be protected when you use the dua for safety and protection.


If you suspect you are a victim of black magic and are suffering loss and destruction in anyway other than health, then you can perform the duawazifa yourself. Also, if the effect of black magic is more on the mental health of a person you know, then too you can perform this dua for safety and protection for them.

Whatever the evil effect you suspect, you can perform this below dua to protect yourself:

  • Do proper wuzu and perform your first namaaz of the day.
  • Then recite Darood Shareef, 11 times.
  • Now chant the following dua 7 times and ask for Allah’s blessing:


  • Again, recite Darood Shareef, 11 times.
  • Now chant the following dua3 times.

aaozu be kalematillahhitammate min shara ma khalaqa.

NOTE: Recite the abovedua 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening.

  • If you are doing this dua for safety and protection for someone else, then take a deep breath after the ritual and blow on them.
  • It’s also advised to recite the Azaan into the ears of the victim.

dua for peace and protection

There are many ways evil spell can be cast. And so there are as many ways to cure them. Many astrologers, depending upon their comfort and years of practice device a variation to the dua for safety and protection. There’s nothing wrong about it. End of the day, these dua, wazifa or amal is a human praying to Allah for mercy and protection.

The Islamic Astrologers have spent years mastering the duas and hence have reached a stage where they can accurately perform the ritual.  This is an absolute must when you are dealing with any form of protection wazifa.

To be in Allah’s grace you must be religious and refrain from all forms of ill-doings.

dua for safety of life

If the severity of the enemy attack is severe and you feel you can’t handle it by yourself it is highly advised that you consult your local moulvi, who along with Islamic Astrologer will provide you with an appropriate it.

As powerful is the black magic, equally strong needs to be the dua for safety and protection. Naturally, some of these rituals are risky. An Islamic

Astrologer can help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil intentions and provide you with a Taveez that you and your family members can wear.

Dua To Soften Someone Heart