The Powerful Dua for Someone You Love to Come Back – Effective and Proven

Dua For Someone You Love To Come Back

What nobody has explained to you enough is, losing the person that you love the most is not easy but it can be very challenging when you have a great deal of this ‘longing’ for the their return. The pain of an absent loved one whether a relation that has died, a partner who disappears or a friend including oneself can be very difficult to bear. This is where dua comes into play. Duas are a voice that is heard but not seen.

Dua is an activity which will let you communicate with the God and request Him for assistance and direction towards life paths. Here, the aim will be to send over how powerful supplication is and also explain to you how supplication can be offered for a loved one who is away by a simple writing.

1. Understanding the Power of Dua: Dua is a very meaningful weapon which can help you deal with life problems, use your strength in hard times and create a special communicational link with your spirituality. Choosing to make a dua is equivalent to petitioning for assistance, guidance, and blessings of God.

This may seem like the most difficult thing for you to attain, but seeing the larger image can be the very thing that will heal you, it will give you a sense of relief that you are not alone in this. The sincerity is prone of the key parameters in dua. Thus, in praying, you need to do it sincerely, honestly and with all your heart, showing total trust and faith in His wisdom and mercies.

2. Making Dua for Someone You Love to Come Back: where to turn to Dua someone you love to come back does not be void of a couple of things to keep in the mind. Pl´emacte d´aborde, it is crucial for you to understand that there is nothing you can do to influence other person’s actions or decisions in their life. While the universe might want to drift them away from you, you can pray for God to lead them back to you.

What does and does not work in a dua to bring back the one you love the most is to be precise with your words and full of your heart. Pray for them to be called back to you, if indeed, they are meant to be, and please, may Love, Understanding and Respect be the hallmarks of your relationship.

3. Practicing Patience and Trust: Waiting is something that is so difficult in the process of expecting the faulty one to be rescued imploring to Allah. Forgetting the hope or quitting the prayers are easily to fall in when you do not have results at present. Nevertheless, while that is true, we have to also not forget that God’s time not always our time.

Often, we should expect that a silence occur or the waiting is required so that a spiritual guidance for the betterment of us will be shown. This needs a true and full trust into the spiritual plan for regaining of the full and reliable faith, but the consequences are not always clear and obvious.

4. Finding Support and Guidance: Dua you for the return of the person you cherish it can be a deep and shaking journey when it comes to the personal and emotional aspect. It is so good to get people who have experienced it before or deeply believe in the power of prayer to give the support and the guidance that I need at this time.

This would involve finding out a spiritual adviser, attending support group or even conversing with trusted friends and close family members whom can give encouragement and empathy.The first supplication is the prayer for the return of the loved one.

5. Finding Peace and Acceptance: Neverthless, dua has that special power that draws us closer to Allah and eventually helps us to gain that elusive thing called ‘peace’ and ‘acceptance’ in moments of difficulties. As you might cry, even praying in the most intensely emotional and hurtful way for a loved one to return could have the result of bringing some tranquility and clarity.

Even if the one you (pl) have prayed might not come back, you can still stay blessed having the assurance in knowing that you have asked for God’s help and company, thus you are not alone in your battles.

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Steps To Process Dua For Someone You Love To Come Back

  1. Perform Wudu to cleanse yourself before Prayer.
  2. Chose the quiet and clean area to perform your dua at peace without any disturbances.
  3. Start with Durood-e-Shareef (a salutation upon the Prophet) 3 times.
  4. Recite the dua for your loved one’s return with full intention and pure heart.
  5. Conclude your session by saying Durood-e-Shareef 3 times more.
  6. Have belief in the outcome and remain patient, following this procedure everyday for good results.

It should be mentioned that spiritual practices differ and should be approached with regard to the individual belief and tradition of the person.

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Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life
Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life

Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life

There is no doubt that there is so much pain in the heart when we lose somebody we love. Barely the matter whether it is your life partner, friend, or family member. The gap which they take in your life can be awful. If you were also going through this, then you must know that it is not only you the world can turn around to your favour. Perhaps you have heard of the prayerful Islamic practice of a dua of supplications.

For every one single need of a good health to success, a dua has been created, yes there are number of dawas to get someone back in your life. Even though dua is not a spell which can make someone to come back to you, it is a way for Allah to intervene and give you the power and direction to make things right in your relationship. If that it the desire of you it is possible to search for it.

Steps To Process Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life

  1. Start with a full restrictive water treatment. Make sure you have carried out the wudu or, in other words, the washing by water body parts before you say any dua.
  2. Perform Salat (prayer). The praying of an optional prayer has been approved by the mercy of Almighty Allah, thus, we should have preceded the dua with that. Employ a quiet minute of your time after prayer to establish a prayer with heartfelt peacefulness.
  3. To start give a compliment and be thankful for them. Before you begin your supplication, pay homage to Allah by acknowledging and thanking Him for all the endless blessings that He has bestowed on you.
  4. Recite Durood Shareef. Before you start asking for anything, let peace descend on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by legislating the salutations.
  5. State your intention. Concisely and mindfully generate the reason behind the dua which now is your absolute aim to get somebody back in your life.
  6. Let the supplicator (dua) be with total sureness and humbleness. Let your emotions and your wishes come out in an emotionally honest way while not being too sure that if Allah will answer your prayers.
  7. Conclude the prayer with one more recitation of Durood Shareef. Finish as you started by send prayers all over upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  8. Make supplications with patience. Rely on Allah for His wisdom and timeliness. Let your supplication be done with patience and determination and think about Allah’s will.

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Islamic Prayer For Someone You Love To Come Back

By way of offering the Islamic pray one can ask of Allah to help in everlasting manner. Typically, music is for giving support, strength or welcoming back of our former lover. Islamic prayer for somebody you love to come back is kind and a prayer full of emotion for Allah for mercy and for what is fair. It is Allah’s response to the prayer that brings back those who turned to the wrong way and returns to the one who had prayed.

The prayer is pronounced with the understanding of Allah as always listening to and answering his believers’ prayers no matter big or small they might be. It may have been either a show of the magnitude of the undertaking, or success was inevitable through Allah’s will.

Steps To Process Islamic Prayer For Someone You Love To Come Back

  1. The “dua”in Islam, which is the supplication in the language of an individual, is the method to approach God for the personal issues. Therefore, the way you do it is following the teachings of Islam.Here are the steps:
  2. Perform Ablution (Wudu): It is a must that you make yourself spotlessly clean prior to your prayer for by the nature of things all ACTS IN ISLAM require cleanliness.
  3. Pray Two Rakats (units) of Nafl (voluntary prayer): It is usually recommended to start physical one, also known as voluntary prayers, before saying a specific dua in order for him/her to access Allah reverently and humbly.
  4. Face the Qibla: Turn to Kaaba which is an ancient black cube in Mecca, the direction that all the Muslims face during prayer.
  5. Begin with Praise: Open the supplication by thanking Allah and saying blessings upon the great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as you should remember this is good manners when making dua.
  6. Supplicate with Sincerity: Upraise your hands and supplicate to God, fully believing in your request. You need not approve the matrimony of your son or daughter without any reason, the only thing is that you should be clear in what you are asking for, and make sure your request does not involve committing a sin or breaking a family tie.
  7. Be Patient and Trust in Allah’s Plan: Understand that Allah answers prayers only in His cleverness and the hour He thinks fit. This could be through answering investe the supplication, evading the greater harm and brining forward the rewards which will come in the Hereafter.
  8. Close with “Ameen”: Wind up your salaah by passing these words at your lips, “Ameen,” meaning “Let it be so”.

However, it must be mentioned that you along with other person should be sincere, when money is halal and there won’t be a problem also good character and patience are needed. On the other hand, respecting the divine purposes is another golden rule that human beings should follow. This means that we should never be in a hurry to seek an answer beyond our capacity because the timings of God’s decree are always for the best for all creatures, even when we are confused.

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Islamic Prayer To Make Someone Love You Deeply

Love is an unpredictable feeling which one may experience as a kind of weakness and/or vulnerability. The fact that quite a number of individuals are usually in search of ways that they can deepen the level of intimacy with the people they have feelings for, should not be a mystery. Prayer is another way of expressing your love for someone for a deep relationship to emerge. This ancient ceremony has the capacity of breaking down relationships emphasizing the psychological aspects, enhancing the bond between the soul mates.

Want to partake in lovers’ union or nurture the love in your current relationship? Practice of Islamic prayer may help you to open up your heart and fulfil your desires.So why wait? Take the first step to a love filled future today and feel the power of saying “Allah-o-Akbar” in faith!

Steps To Process Islamic Prayer To Make Someone Love You Deeply

On my position as the language model, the pride of a person in autonomy and consent in love and relationships stands as a top priority. IK now right to ask anyone or to compel them differently to consent to love you.

On the contrary, starting with self-worth, personal development, and eventually creating relationships with an inner objective of love can be crucial. It can be added to the conversation that morality and respect is the dominant force in devoted and blossoming relationships.

  1. Self-Reflection: The genuine motive that comes from within; not integrating the other person’s needs with the desire to love and respect.
  2. Self-Improvement: Carry out being the best variant of you. Make people engrain in their minds principles, such as, kindness, compassion and acceptance.
  3. Friendship and Respect: Start with the basis of mutual respect, affable relations, and be sporting with a good heart and good intentions.
  4. Common Interests: So let at least some minutes to look for the same values ​​and interests which could facilitate you to build up this strong relationship.
  5. Express Gratitude: Through your words, you need to show that you value the good qualities that the other person has, the wonderful time you have together, and the happiness they bring to your life.
  6. Mutual Support: Put your hand into service when the person is in need by allowing them to lean on you and giving them the needed support by listening or consoling.
  7. Patience and Time:Please note that love is not a commandment or an order which you can decree and expect it the other will follow. Rather, love evolves twixt two individuals who are feelings affection and trust for the other.

Regarding the accomplishment of these tasks, partner relationship will be developed with the most likely probability of future emotions to be related to mutual esteem and will extend to unselfish feeling.

Dua for Love and Marriage: Strengthening Your Bond with Allah

Is There A Islamic Prayer To Make Someone Love You?

Love, as a human sentiment, features in numerous novels, songs, and movies. For those who have deep roots in Islam they obviously may ask if there is a particular prayer for convincing a person to love you. A lot of prayers in Islam are considered to be the ones that help you welcome love in your life and strengthen the already existing relationships. However, that all does not mean that there is some prayer that will make a person to feel love for you.

It must be acknowledged that love cannot be molded and crafted like a sculpture through prayer or other techniques. It is normal that you might have such affections; however, you must remember that the person is a free agent and should solely decide on love and their relationship.

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Can You Pray For Someone To Love You Back?

The feeling of love is beautiful though sometimes mixed up and messy enough to make the strongest of men human and dizzied. It does not surprise anybody that many individuals tend to turn to prayers when they seek the kind of love that is romantic. Nevertheless, can you request the one to love you equally like how you love them? The reply, nevertheless, is much about the matter of whether it is morally justified or not.

Some individuals may think that it will make the couple subjugate their own opinions while others believe that such an approach would lead to the destruction of one’s soul. If your love is guided by your religion or belief system that “Love does not force neither manipulate”; that true love is a place of mutual respect and understanding.

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Islamic Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person

Islamic prayer could definitely resonate with those craving a special bond with only one person. This is the most ancient ritual that has been used since hundreds of centuries to call upon Allah and demand direction, strength and the overturn of fears in love affairs. Whichever stage you are in, whether it is looking for love or you are already in a relationship, it can benefit you immensely.

The role of belief and the prayer ritual will be helpful to you to establish a connection between your subconscious mind and the approval of Allah and hence you will find the way of achieving peace and clarity in relationships. Therefore, pray to Allah to have a relationship with a particular person, and Allah will always guide you into the beautiful romance that is right for you.

Steps To Process Islamic Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person

  1. Perform Wudu (Ablution): Make sure that you are clean and do bakkah which is the name of the ritualistic Islamic act of washing your body by water.
  2. Pray 2 Rakat Nafil: Perform two units of non-paid prayer (Nafil) for emphasizing the fact that you are very humble and ardent in pleading for what you are asking for.
  3. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha: Start your supplication by reading or reciting the first chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Fatiha to once.
  4. Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas: Then say the Surah Al-Ikhlas three times, which delivers the concept of Oneness of Allah.
  5. Make Dua (Supplication): Express your desire to God to have a relationship with this person that is full of righteousness and that would be useful. Convey your objectives and aspirations effectively, properly and with practice of humility.
  6. Remain Persistent in Dua: Be sure that you make dua constantly, if possible after obligatory prayers; and persistence is always preferred in Islam.
  7. Have Patience and Trust in Allah’s Plan: Now relying on God’s will, be patient and wait for God to choose the best way for you. Sustain a great conviction that irrespective of the outcome it will be what Allah had planned for and Allah’s decrees have wisdom.

Know that the first thing to take into consideration is the intention or ‘niyyah’ behind the prayer. It should be something that is halal (allowed in the eyes of Allah) and has some kind of benefit.

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Dua For Someone You Love To Love You Back

Perhaps you had an experience of yourself when you were utterly in love with someone but it didn’t happen with you. A painful but necessary part of the process of unrequited love is that you always have an opportunity to guide the trajectory of your life. There is a powerful dua to make someone that you cherish in your life love you back, and it has been proved to be very effective by those who prayed for it with real loving believe.

Through the sincere reciting this prayer, you will be able to tear down the walls and make them broaden their mind and view you differently. Therefore, in case you find yourself in a situation where all feelings of love appear to be lost, you should know, that there is always some hope left and that dua can be an effective tool with which you can make your desires come true.

Steps To Process Dua For Someone You Love To Love You Back

To perform the Dua for someone you love to love you back, follow these steps with sincerity and faith:

  1. Perform Wudu: See to it that you are taking ablution and clean.
  2. Pray Salah: The first practice to adopt is to pray two units of your own according to your free will (Nafl) after which you might request Allah’s mercy.
  3. Recite Durood Shareef: Now, after Salah is over, utter Durood Shareef 11 times. It is conveying a respect, a blessing, and a greeting coming from each Muslim to the prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him.
  4. Recite the Dua: Directing your pure soul from the Eternal God, recite the Dua: “O Allah, make my heart as white as the white pearls as you have made Allah’s Messenger Education (peace be upon him) beloved of our master Prophet Dawood (as).” Replace the name fulan with the name of whom you want to love you back.
  5. Repeat the Dua: بِخَيْرٍ الْآخِرِين is repeated forty one times.
  6. Recite Durood Shareef Again: Last but not the least, recite Durood Shareef 11 times for one last time.
  7. Make a Personal Supplication: And in conclusion, make a simple request to God by saying that if your lover is the most suitable for you in terms of the faith you hold and your life, then you would greatly appreciate this wish to be granted.

Make it your habit to ask for help only with permission and inner guidelines of Islamic teaching, and only if it is not unlawfully invoked.

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How Do You Make Dua For Someone You Love?

Keeping someone you love with your prayers can be an effective and magical way to show not only your love and tolerance but also care for the person. The supplications can be for, either, a family members, a married person or a friend, and it can be a great gesture of kindness. Yet, how do you Dua for someone you cherish?

How do you ask Allah to help, bless and unite you with that preciously loved one? The first step is to know is what is dua and its purposes or in another to it is the interaction between you and Allah ,in which are given His beneficence and mentoring.

In a nutshell, your dua for a loved one should be related to mercy and protection and the health and success in this world and in Akhirah. Most important, make sure you do this from your heart and that nothing in your mind will stop you for the interest of your loved one. With faith and absolutely, praying for someone you love is an act from a place of love and devotion which are an important parts of being human.

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Beautiful Dua For Someone Special
Beautiful Dua For Someone Special

Beautiful Dua For Someone Special

There is a one peculiar person that is very dear to us; that can be a dear husband, family member or close friend. At heart, we merely wish to bring them some warmth and companionship during the times they struggle. There exists one effective strategy of this which is recite Middle Easter good wishes. This prayer is used to reflect our love and care to such a person, while at the same time accepting and endowing God’s blessings and protection.

There is something so intimate and heartwarming about praying together with someone special that I’ve definitely come to cherish while praying. This helps connect you both with a higher power and each other. With ready and open hearts, we can then let a marvelous dialogue flow to the best for him/her.

Steps To Process Beautiful Dua For Someone Special

  1. Begin with sincere intention: Before anything else, establish your motivation. The effectiveness of your Du’s comes from the fact that it must be sincere.
  2. Praise and gratitude: To begin with, you thank God for innumerable gifts He has bestowed upon you and you praise Him for not only His love, but also His mercy which He always demonstrates.
  3. Invoke blessings for the Prophet: It is a beautiful gesture to praise the prophet (peace be upon him), at the same time asking Allah to elevate him, and provide him with His many blessings – just like we do in Islamic prayers. When I hear this others usually appreciate it.
  4. Speak from the heart: Tell your inner self which is in your closet that God will help them to be healthy and happy and that they will become whoever they want to be in life.
  5. Be specific in your requests: However, the language should be kept simple and it is advised to make an explicit reference to the exact role you see for the person like providing a business opportunity.
  6. Pray for both worlds: An ethereal voice seeks the bliss of this life and the other hereafter.
  7. End with gratitude: Conclude your prayer by again taking refuge in Allah for His magnificent favour and beg for forgiveness for all imperfection.

Eventually, it is the sincerity and the purity of the what you say in the prayer that are the vital components; hence, there is no meaning in the language sophistication you apply.

Wazifa Dua-E-Hajat – The Powerful Islamic Supplication for Fulfilling Desires

Can Allah Bring Someone Back Into Your Life?

Isn’t it a familiar emotion to desire for someone to show up again and tap on your shoulder? Could be somebody you used to be friends with and they just stopped hanging out with you or someone you used to date and they just started seeing someone else. It only makes sense that within us, the desire to reminisce and relive the moments of which we are emotionally attached should be something honest. According to Islam, nothing is impossible for Allah which is an obvious fact especially for the Muslims.

Therefore, if this question is your next inquiry, the answer can be considered simply. The reply to this cannot be yes or no alone as Allah’s will comprehension is something that lies beyond our scope. Nevertheless, though one may pray to him and ask for instruction, he sometimes may lead you into a hard situation but it has a good plan for you. Islam teaches that believing in destiny is the basis of a steadfast walk on the path that would lead future with hope and happiness.

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Dua To Make Someone Realise Your Importance

As for relationships, the most important thing that I have ever learned is to treat each other with love and respect. The issue is that as soon as you fail or have not been successful the next time your chances of facing the same problem increases. However, there is a powerful way to make someone see your worth that goes beyond mere words: culture. Moreover, to conclude you will also recite a dua that is the divine sanction for one to decide that you are as valuable as he or she thinks.

In this world, you can just log in and find the site for all the relationships, like dates, family, and friends, you could ever think of. Therefore, we should not postpone and start a little trip to discover how tasty it would be.

Steps To Process Dua To Make Someone Realise Your Importance

  1. Perform Ablution (Wudu): Make sure you get yourself ready for the dua by being clean first. Do wudu by cleaning yourself to become clear for your prayer.
  2. Choose a Quiet Place: Discover a relaxing place where you will not be chased away or interrupted. Silence aids us to concentrate on our aim and heightens the meaning of our prayers.
  3. Pray Two Rakats (Optional): Among good etiquette, before asking, we should perform two voluntary rakats as a gesture of humility and supplication to Allah.
  4. Begin With Praise: Start with saying Allah first and then make dua of Salawat upon Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  5. State Your Intention: Compose your intention and what exactly you desire. Before praying, settle this issue for yourself: why are you praying?
  6. Recite the Dua: With humility and optimism, take the dua to bring recognition of your merit to the person. If there is any unique dua from the Quran or verses that encapsulate your emotions then you can insert them in this section.
  7. Invoke with Emotion: Let your words flow authentically as you implore Almighty Allah for His mercy. We should also bear in mind that the more emotional our request is, the more likely it is to be granted.
  8. Repeat the Dua: Consistency is crucial. Recite the dua as often as you can, especially before you break a fast or during the last third of the night in which supplications are more likely to be answered.
  9. Have Faith: Conclude your prayer with the faith in Allah, that He has listened to you and will answer your prayer aptly. Trust in Allah Knowledge and Time.
  10. Act Accordingly: Besides petitioning Allah, try to build you self-worth and increase the value you have in the eyes of others through being kind, reliable, and positive in your relationship.

Wazifa For Hajat – A Powerful Prayer To Fulfill Your Wishes

Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You

You have ever dreamed about such significant other– your soul-mate– who knows you better, as you know yourself? Attaining the purpose of your desire, you need to have in mind that Somebody needs to be a reason of happiness and joy in you, then you should pray to Allah about that in the form of Dua To Bring Somebody Closer To You Such a hymn is capable of helping you to unite with people you like and even bring in those you dream of.

The recipient takes in the sentiments of the message which reflect the sincerity and purity of your heart. The reciting of the dua in the right way enhances your connection and the relationship with your loved one. Begin the prayer by asking that the Supreme God annihilate every obstacle or misfortune existing between you and the person you are in love with. May the contemplation of these dua words make you go as far as possible in your love life, and bring you peace and happiness.

Steps To Process Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You

  1. Begin with Ablution (Wudu): Make sure that you are in a state of cleanliness to begin the dua. Do ablution to be clean physically and spiritually.
  2. Find a Quiet Place: Choose a quiet and clean area where no one will interrupt you. Being capable of the concentration of your mind and heart is of great importance.
  3. Start with an Invocation: Start with a praise to Allah and a supplication such as ‘Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim’ (In Allah’s name, the Most Gracious, the Most Compassionate).
  4. Recite Durood Shareef: Send prayers to the Prophet Muhammad () by reading the Durood Shareef.
  5. Focused Dua: While being humble and sincere, say a supplication to Allah to bring the person with whom you actually want to link closer to you. Be genuine in your supplication and avoid either selfish or harmful purposes.
  6. Cite relevant Quran verses which reflect your plea, for example, Ayat ul-Kursi or Surah Al-Fatiha.
  7. Conclude with Salaam: Close up your Dua by reciting ‘Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah’ (Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) and ask Allah to accept your prayers.

Make sure that any supplication is made for good purpose and not to compel or harm any person. Trust Allah’s wisdom and timing for the answer to your prayers.

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Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

Love it is a powerful and beautiful emotion capable of making you surrender even if you are the mightiest warrior. However, the question is when you love someone and the person loves you but less than what you desire. It can be a very painful time when you are alone with hurt feelings. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Through praying and believing this is how you reach the deep roots of a person that you love. The attitude of gratitude for the dua to make someone love you is a compelling and effective tool to request the love you aspire to your life.

It is through the sincerity of this prayer and the genuineness of the intentions that you will discover the love you long for. It is the time of being vulnerable but the prize is bigger than the risk. You don’t have to give up the love. Here is another dua and you will have the love flowing in your heart.

Steps To Process Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

  1. Do Wudu (ablution), anyway, so that you are clean before you praying.
  2. Choose a tranquil, undisturbed, and clean site for your Dua or prayer so that you wont be interrupted.
  3. First of all, reiterate Durood Shareef 3 times.
  4. Recite the Dua “Allahumma layyin qalbi fulan binti fulan kama layyin til hadidi li Sayyidina Dawud alayhis ‘salam” 100 times in your mind with the good intention of finding the person whom you love.
  5. Finally, by chanting Durood Shareef 3 more times, the prayer should end.
  6. Believe absolutely in Allah’s wisdom and power and make supplication kindly for a successful solution that benefits everyone concerned.

Do recall saying the following Dua with the pure intention and being from the heart, and remain away from any kind of compulsion or being harmful towards the another person.

Inspiring Surah Al Qariah For Love – A Life-changing Solution

Dua To Make Man Love You And Have Eyes On You

If you are interested in learning how, to make the person of that super special guy in your closet obsessed with you to a point where he will only have eyes to only you, you should keep on reading. If you look through riddle of dua, you will find the solution of all the problems you face. Through this potent prayer, you can touch the spiritual world deep inside and take hold of power of the sacral to bring forward your desires. Be confident in the strength of your faith and in faith anything can be achieved given strong enough beliefs and devotion.

You can either deepen an existing bond or attract your dream man because the Dua To Make Man Love You And See Only You is your source of power to harness the true love that you deserve. Act immediately now and you will be uplifted as the universe follows your sincere gift of awareness.

Steps To Process Dua To Make Man Love You And Have Eyes On You

  1. Let’s begin by making Wudu since it is necessary for dua(prayer) to commence with cleanliness.
  2. Try your best to find a quiet spot where no one will be a distraction to you as you remain focused and attentive.
  3. Accompany the intention with the Niyyah of your heart that harmonizes with the highest objectives in Islamic teachings.
  4. Repeat Durood Shareef 11 times to make Dua for prosperity of our Prophet Muhammad (Peace our Salams).
  5. Then, read the Dua: “Allahumma Min Allif bayn qulubina, wa aslih zata baynina, wa hadina subulassalama wa Najjina minkus ala ‘Izn noor” means enhancing the person’s love for his prospective soulmate.
  6. Conclude by remembering Durood Shareef again by reciting it 11 times.
  7. Ask Almighty Allah (swt) in a humble way to give you your wish if it is of benefit to you in this life and the hereafter.

Recall to do the Dua with the pure heart and hence whatever performed follow the Islamic instructions and not for any purpose which is against the religion.

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Conclusion About Dua For Someone You Love To Come Back

It the loneliness of your won loss, remember that there are other out there experiencing the same feelings as yours. While surrendering to a higher power that is guiding and supporting you all through, making dua for the person you love to reunite with is a medium that can be used to reach higher power.

Do not forget to feel your prayers from the bottom of your heart and be honest to your Lord. Also, have faith that everything will be in its right place and don’t forget to look for support from your loved ones and seeking guidance from spiritual advisers when necessary. If the person returns or not, dua is would be power to heal you and bring peace inside of you mind as it can do strength.