Dua To Make Someone Miss You

Dua To Make Someone Miss You

Dua To Make Someone Miss You

Dua To Make Someone Miss You can be use to make someone agree with you and to make someone remember you. Our dua to make husband miss you will provide you a amazing result.

Love is a beautiful relationship which bounds two persons together. When two people fall in love, they have beautiful dreams for their life. They want to spend the whole life in front of each other.

Dua To Make Someone Miss You
Dua To Make Someone Miss You

want to make every possible way for each other so that happy moments will remain in their life. They want to take care of each other’s feelings, emotions and take extra care to fulfill each other’s needs.

Today most of the people search for true love. They want to be that person as their love partner who will not leave him/her at any point in their life. Nobody can even think of life without love in today’s world. Without love in a person, his/her life becomes dull. If you are in search of love and you feel alone.

It is a natural thing that if you do not have anyone to talk to you and is not available to help you in your work or to share your thoughts. Without love, you will feel such alone feeling such as depression, anxiety, frustration, etc. so the best way is to find a love for yourself.

Everybody wants to love a person who is always for him/her and will never leave her/her in any situations of desire. Now you are in love with a person who is very passionate towards you, who love you more than that hi/her life.

You have found a partner whom you can share your feelings, happy moments, and all saddest things. feel after you share your excitement with that person relaxed. Now You start loving that person. And You have to take strong imagination of your loved person in your mind. Then below is dua to make someone miss you;

  • You have to start this wazifa from Friday night, Take a fresh bath and sit down while your face should be towards Mosque without any more worries in your mind. Sit with a pure mind.
  • Take a fresh glass of water and put it in front of you.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 11 times and blow it on the grass of water
  • Now read this Dua” Lakad Jaa Akum-Rasulam Min-Afusikam A-zeeum A-layhi-maa ANittum-H Areeum” blow it on the glass of water.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 11 times again
  • At last, Now Drink this water and try to memorize the face of the person whom you want to miss you.

Dua To Make Husband Miss You

Dua To Make Husband Miss You, Marriage is a connection of two pure souls based on love, faith, and loyalty. When two persons, man, and women become husband and wife, in the beginning, all thing looks like red roses with more fragrance. Love plays an important part in married life.

If love is absent from your married life, it remains unstable and becomes full of depression. If both husband and wife have true love, they can face every difficult situation in their life. A woman wants to get more love from her husband. She wants her husband should miss her every day and every night.

He should not have someone’s even imagination in his mind except her. If the husband did not shows sign of love and missing her in his life. Then it becomes more depressive life for her, and she fees insulted from within her heart. If you are in the same situation that your husband is not too much attracted to you.

He is not interested in you after marriage. He even did not remember your advice. Then you have to recite the below wazifa to bring back your beautiful married life and get more love in it. The wazifa is given below;

  • You have to do this wazifa after you complete your Isha Nimaz.
  • Now recite Durood Shareef 11 times
  • Recite this given part of Quran chapter No. 16 Ayat No.39 for 500 time’s total. The role of ayat is as follows;

Wa Alkaito Alaika Muhabhatin Minni Vale Tus naa Alainee.”

  • You have to take now two almonds and read again Durood Shareef 11 times and blow this dua on almonds. Now mix the almonds with a cold dish and give this mixture to your husband.

You have to continue this process for five days and after that, your husband certainly will find your interest in you and will miss you all the time.

Dua To Make Someone Agree With You

Dua To Make Someone Agree With You, In our life; on many occasions, we want to control a person. A person who is not under our control. We wish that this person would agree with our all feelings. On all situations, he/she should be with us. This happens to many wives in today’s world because their husband did not take too much interest in their work.

He even did not pay attention to her siblings or did not take care of them. He fights on small issues and can let to such a horrible situation that their married life will end. Such things happened when both husband and wife did not understand each other, do not take care of each other and have an interest outside their house.

They are not loyal, pious, and humble towards each other then. Then the feeling of sad, unhappy and aloneness give both to such a situation in their house.

There are also numbers of relationships where one person did not agree with another person due to some dispute over their as on land is distributed among the children by their father. If you are in the same situation such that opposite party does not agree with your decisions. No worry here is the wazifa for this problem;

Bismillah Rahman Nirraheem

“ Zuljalaalalil Wal Ikrami Innal Lahu Raoof Innal Laha Yumeenu Hir Rahma Nir Raheem”

This will help you in all situations in your life where you have to make someone agreed on your decisions.

Dua To Make Someone Remember You

Dua To Make Someone Remember You, Love is the best feeling that one person gets from another or husband gets from his wife or in any relationship. There are no words that can define and describe love. When two people fall in love, they cannot imagine their life without love. They want to be in touch and front of each other at every time.

They want to spend their life in this beautiful and genuine feeling. Love gives the people positive energy to handle any situation of life. If a person loves you, he has every time he/she remembered in his mind, and he cannot move away from your imagination. He/she wants to be with you all the time.

If you are in love and the person goes away from you, it becomes hard for a person to make out that person imagination in your mind. You cannot quickly move away from his/her brain of that person. If you want that the love you were getting from that person on your first meeting will come back.

He should remember all your love life which you have spent together and will now remind you every time without thing of any other person. Here is the wazifa;

  • First of all, make wadu and offer nimaz Tahajjud.
  • After this you have to recite this dua;

“ Allah umma BariloAla, Muh;Hammadi walala Aal Muhahammadin Kamasalaayata.”

  • Now recite these Ayats of Surah Furqan 73,74 and 77 each ayat 21 times a day.
  • At last, recite Surah Tariq chapter No.86 on Arafat day

This will help you to remember you by your lover forever.

Dua To Soften Someone Heart