Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat

Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat

Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat

Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat also use for dushman se bachne ke liye wazifa, if you want dushman ko khatam karne ka wazifa then we will provide you. Are you in trouble due to duaman then use our dushman se hifazat ka wazifa and destroy your enemy.

Life is full of challenges. Sometimes the problems come from circumstances. However, when they don’t come naturally when they are triggered. In your day to day life, you have contact with several persons.

Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat
Wazifa For Dushman Se Nijat

As a result of this contact, you build a relationship with them. In this case, your relationship with some would be friendly. However, some would be eying you as an enemy. There can be several reasons for such a perception of you as an enemy. Some of these can be:

  • You as a competition to other
  • Business rivalry
  • Consistent success on your part
  • Any history of dispute with the person
  • Jealousy of the person

Furthermore, this perception would lead their actions in the path of your destruction. They would start acting in ways that can destabilize your life. Moreover, apart from them, there might be some old enemies of your who would house the same intentions.

Enemies can be someone close to you or someone that is at the cross ends with you. The close one is the most dangerous. The reason being his deceiving ability. In this case, the enemy acts as a dear one and destroys you from tight corners.

Thus, comprehensive protection from enemies is what you should look for. In this regards, Wazifa for dushman se nijat is the best possible solution. Wazifa for dushman se nijat can be your all-round protection from the action of the enemy. This Quranic method has proven efficacy and efficiency of its own.

Dushman Se Bachne Ke Liye Wazifa

Prevention is better than cure. The same goes right in the context of protection from the enemy. To safeguard yourself in the first place from enemies, the action is the best thing.

Generally, the action of the enemy can’t be predicted. There can be immediate action from his side. Furthermore, you cannot decipher what the enemy is planning against you. This angle of anonymity intensifies the threat on you.

However, if you are prepared for all possible action, then there is nothing to worry. The question here is how to make yourself? What action can you take? Getting answers to these questions is what you look for in the first place.

Holy quranic amal can bring a useful answer to your queries. All that that is troubling you can get done and dusted by Dushman se bachne ke Liye wazifa.

The process to perform Dushman se bachne ke Liye wazifa is as follows:

  • Perform a fresh Wudu in the first place
  • Next sit in a place where you perform Namaz a silent place
  • Take a piece of paper, to begin with
  • Take a bark/stick of Neem tree
  • Now, write the name of the enemy on this piece of paper
  • Recite Durood Shareef
  • Recite this for a total of 11 times
  • Next, recite Surah Kousar
  • Recite this with:

“Bismillah hirRa’hmaan


  • Make 11 recitations each for both
  • Follow this up with a reading of

“Bismillah hirRa’hmaan


  • This time recite it for 1000 times
  • After every 100 recitations give a blow on the stick/bark of Neem tree
  • Finally, recite Durood Shareef for 11 times
  • Wrap the piece of paper containing the enemy’s name around Neem stick
  • In the meanwhile pray for protection from enemy
  • Keep this stick/bark of Neem at the place of height

Dushman Ko Khatam Karne Ka Wazifa

Among enemies, some are the bitterest. You might have two-three (or even more) enemies but the most painful of them all fears you. Generally, the most painful of your enemy is one who is after your life.

When the enemy plans to take a toll of your life, then it’s time to act. Furthermore, if there is a question of your life.  How can you be reluctant to make a move?

However, to take action, you need to know the plan of the enemy. The time at which the enemy is going to channelize action is crucial for you. Getting such precise information might be a tough ask.

Moreover, the anonymity associated with the actions of the enemy adds a layer of threat. To curb all such hindrance in the path, you need to think a step ahead. The idea shall be to destroy the enemy.

Destroying the enemy in the first place is the best possible solution. To do that Dushman ko khatam karne ka wazifa is the solution you need. The steps to perform Dushman ko khatam karne ka wazifa are as follows:

  • To begin with, get cleansed by performing Wudu
  • Take an iron nail in the first place
  • Now, recite Surah Naas
  • Recite it for a total of 1100 times
  • Next up but this nail in fire
  • Make sure that the nail becomes red hot
  • Finally, take a picture of the enemy
  • Put this nail on his image
  • The enemy would be blown away

Dushman Se Hifazat Ka Wazifa

To keep yourself safe from all vulnerabilities is your priority in the first place. However, the threat of enemies is something that hampers your soundness. In this case, the effect on your family can’t be neglected.

Generally, it is seen that the enemy affects your family to take revenge from you. Since the family is closest to your heart, enemy plans to change them to give you body blow. In this case, not only you but the entire family is a threat.

To protect yourself and the family is the only possible way out. For that, you must opt for some practical solution. What can be better than a holy method in this case? A Quranic solution is all that you need.

Dushman se hifazat ka wazifa is that solution for you. Performing this wazifa can provide you total protection from enemies’ action. The process to complete Dushman se hifazat ka wazifa is as follows:

  • In the first place make sure that you start this amal on Saturday
  • Next, cleanse your body
  • To begin with, take some rice to say 38 grains of rice
  • Next, take 40 grains of Black lentils
  • Dig the rice and black lentil in ground
  • Now squeeze a lemon over it
  • In the meanwhile make the name of the enemy
  • Regularly perform this for a total of 11 days

Soon all the plans of your enemy would destabilize. You would be showered with the grace of almighty. All you need to put in is your faith and dedication. Confidence in the process would be the game changer.

Mushkilat Se Nijat Ki Dua