Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage

Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage

Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage

Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage or to break marriage proposal can be called dua to cancel marriage. Use our dua to reject marriage proposal.

Which Wazifa Is Good To Stop Forced Marriage?

Amal or Wazifa is the process to put an end to your significant problems in life. Marrying the wrong person in life leads to lots of issues in life. Mutual understanding, love, and concern are required to lead a happy life. If you are against your will and desires, you will feel disinterested in life post marriage and will always wish to end the relationship.. By performing certain Wazifa, you are liberal to marry your loved ones in life and can stop forced marriage. In this article, we have shared different Wazifa related to marriage proposals and forced marriage to protect yourself from forced marriage.

Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage
Wazifa To Stop Forced Marriage

As per the common saying, ‘Marriages are made in heaven.’ But in reality, you will lead a heavenly life when you marry a lovely person who is close to your heart. It is impossible in an arranged marriage to get to know the person you will get married to. If you are in love and your lover will get married to another person for several unavoidable reasons.  Now you have to be isolated from him to perform Wazifa to break the marriage proposal. It will help you to reunite with your loved ones. Let’s look into the steps to perform Wazifa to stop the forced marriage:

  • Perform ablution with pure heart, and offer Fajr salah.
  • Recite Durood e Shareef 11 times
  • Then recite Surah Lahab 41 times
  • Again, read Durood e Shareef 11 times
  • Now have two crystals of salt and blow your breath post reciting the dua and Durood
  • Make Duas wholeheartedly with hope.

Follow the Wazifa meticulously and seek a lovely partner in life.

Wazifa To Break Marriage Proposal

Wazifa To Break Marriage Proposal, will help you restrict the marital union of unwilling souls. It is an effective way to stop the marriage of your loved ones. With Allah’s mercy and blessing, this dua will help you unite with the person you love the most. The following is the dua to cancel marriage which is against your desires,

Steps to be followed to perform Wazifa effectively, 

  • You are liberal to perform Wazifa at any time on a day of your convenience.
  • But you have to maintain the same timing every day.
  • Perform ablution to ensure the utmost purity.
  • Then recite Durood e Shareef seven times.

After reciting the dua, seek refuge from Allah tala from your prayers. With his blessings, you can marry a person who is close to your heart.

Dua To Cancel Marriage

Dua To Cancel Marriage, Parents, in general, take pride in deciding on a life partner for their children. Especially in India, parents are stringent and stereotypical in terms of marriage. They couldn’t encourage the concept of love marriage. So there are always difficulties and problems that should be faced by the person who falls in love. They feel that their child doesn’t have the maturity to choose their life partner. That is the reason parents and society do not welcome love marriages.

The child has to abide by the decisions of their parents to avoid issues and difficulties in life. To some extent, parents will accept their child’s decision, but in some other cases, they are insulting and wanted to marry their child to the person whom they are desired. In that case, the dua to cancel marriage will help you eliminate the unwilling nuptial union and favor you to join hands with your lovable life partner. Parents who are forcing their children are against Islam so that this dua will guide you in the straight path with Almighty’s blessings. Follow the procedures to perform this Wazifa,

  • Perform ablution with pure, clean, and tidy water.
  • Perform fajr salah with a pure heart filled with determination.
  • Then recite Durood e, Shareef, 11 times
  • After that, recite surah Lahab 41 times
  • Then recite the following dua

Raheem maaluhu wa ma kasab Tab bat yadaa abee Lahabinw-wa tabb Maa aghna ‘anhu Sa yas llaha Wam ra-atuhu hamma latal-hatab Fee jeediha hab lum mim-masad Rahmaanirlaa naran zaata

  • Recite Durood e Shareef post reciting the dua.

Follow the same procedure of blowing your breath in the two salt crystals along with your lover’s name. Perform this Wazifa for 21 days to get expected results in life. Make sure that you make duas with determination to Allah tala after performing the Wazifa.

Dua To Reject Marriage Proposal

Dua To Reject Marriage Proposal, Suppose you hate the person whom your parents choose for you and unwilling in the marriage. The Dua to reject marriage proposal will help you to stop the wedding of hatred. It is the most powerful dua which has to be recited with lots of prayers and dedication to achieve your desires. Recite the following dua,

Dua To Reject Marriage Proposal,

“Uul La Allakum TufliihoonaaWaa Lauu Waa Uutt-ttaiibu Aa-ajabaka Kasraatuu Alkhabiisii Fa UUtt-ttaqu Uullaha Ya Uullii Uullal Baabii khabeesuuQull-lla Yastawii ”

Procedures To Recite The Dua Effectively, 

  • Before starting, perform ablution with clean water.
  • Recite Durood e Shareef 11 times
  • Then recite the dua with dedication
  • After completed reciting it make duas to Allah tala

It is an effective and Islamic way to stop the unwilling marriage. And help you to get united with the person who is close to your heart. It doesn’t hurt anyone’s emotions; you will achieve your desires with the help of Allah tala and his blessings.


The article will help you in all aspects to safeguard yourself from the unwilling marriage and facing issues later in life. When a husband and wife love each other, life will contend; otherwise, they will meet many fights and problems every day, resulting in disharmonious life with difficulties. Thus, by performing the suggested Wazifa to stop the forced marriage, you can restrict such unwilling relationship issues and curtail unwanted life problems. It will allow you to live a happy life.

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